Monday 24 July 2017

REVIEW - Hell's Bells (Welcome to Hell #6) by Eve Langlais

The Book
Release Date: 30 June 2016
Goodreads Link

A catastrophe has befallen Hell. The great and mighty Lucifer has fallen prey to the most wicked of spells. He’s become…nice. 

Just using that word makes Gaia want to gag. The demon she fell in love with is not some pushover, polite, candy-ass, nice guy. She wants her big, bad Lord of Sin back. 

Can she, along with the minions of Hell, find a way to break the curse? And will they do it in time to celebrate the wedding from Hell?

My Review  5 STARS
With Lucifer's upcoming nuptials to Gaia and his very much changed personality from sinner to saintly, it is a race against time to get Lucifer back to his old sinning ways.

This book focuses on Lucifer and Gaia themselves, but the other characters from the previous books do get some mentions.

Eve Langlais has a way of writing that pulls you along and has you giggling at the antics of the character and you really end up invested in their happiness and you really want a good happy ending.

A really good ending to this series.

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