Friday 16 August 2024

REVIEW - All the Pretty Monsters Series by Kristy Cunning

The Book - Gypsy Blood - Book 1
Release Date: 14 December 2018

I'm not all that special, really. I'm sure there are a lot of girls with old gypsy blood who see the dead, have killer cults hunting their family, and turn into something that gets scary when they panic. Yep. I'm just an ordinary girl. I wish people would believe that. 

I've been labeled as one thing or another for most of my life: Death Girl. Crazy Gypsy Girl. Gothic Chick. Monster. 

It took my mother's death for me to finally start getting answers about what's really been going on. Unfortunately, most of the answers come from men . . . who aren't just men. Somehow, I've gone and landed myself in a world truly filled with monsters, and I'm starting to think this is where I should have been all along. 

Only . . . I don't understand what's going on. I'm walking into the middle of a story that's thousands of years old, and I'm the new girl on the block who doesn't have a clue how this world even works. My only guides happen to be the most lethal of the bunch. 

I've gone and drawn attention to myself, and the ones paying attention are the ones everyone else seems to fear. How do these things always happen to me? 

Contains mature themes.

The Book - Gypsy Freak - Book 2
Release Date: 4 January 2019

What's it like to be a monster in a town full of monsters, who don't know you're a monster? Complicated and a little scary, but doable.

What's it like to be the girl who can't die - that everyone seems to always want to kill? Frustrating as hell.

What's it like to accidentally raise a psychotic alpha vampire everyone fears, who drops a lot of bodies on his first day out as a gift for your troubles? Terrifying, if I'm being honest.

What's it like when that crazed vampire tells you he wants you to be the happy little intermission, during an ongoing ancient story, and expects you to use your vagina to draw in a werewolf alpha, a Van Helsing alpha, and a sexual deviant alpha, so he can have his old friends back? That's when a girl has to stop, look around, and question her life choices.

I really don't know how this stuff keeps happening to me. Life was simpler when it was just me accidentally blowing myself up while trying to create potions and shampoo. Ever since coming to this town, I've had my throat slit by vampires, attracted way too much attention from some powerful alphas, and did a lot of regrettably stupid things because I'm too gullible for shady monsters.

Contains mature themes.

The Book - Gypsy Origins - Book 3
Release Date: 25 January 2019

I'm like a snowball rolling downhill.

That's the first thing that pops into my mind when I try to explain my life. I don't know exactly "what'"I am, but I do know who I am. At least...I did.

Sometimes life sends things your way that upend everything you thought you knew, and then slings you in another direction without any sort of harness or warning.

Sometimes it drops someone like me off in the path of four wildly different monsters, who all used to be best friends, but now sort of hate each other and compete over absolutely everything,

Life would be easier if I wasn't already attached to those four monsters, but they occasionally let their guard down around me, and I get a glimpse of what has to stay hidden under all those snowball layers, since they already rolled downhill a long time ago.

I'm tired of losing people I care about. I'm tired of searching aimlessly for answers. I'm tired of not having the right questions to ask.

Contains mature themes.

The Book - Gyspy Moon - Book 4
Release Date: 14 February 2019

Imagine searching your whole life for answers, and then finally finding them. A part of you is excited to know the truth. Another part of you is damaged, because you realize why it was so hard to learn answers. 

Secrets aren't usually very pretty.

In the midst of all of it, the four monsters I've gotten too attached to are about to be reunited with the one woman they all once loved so deeply that they sacrificed everything to have an eternity with her.

They said they hated Arion, but I never see hatred when they're around him. I see frustration, resentment, anger, and pain, but never hatred.

They say they hate Idun, but until she returns, I won't know how true that really is. All the pretty monsters don't have simple emotions, because everyone has lived so long that it's gotten entirely too complicated to feel anything too much.

The only way to figure out what happens next is to stop stalling and start doing, while silently hoping it doesn't cost me everything I never knew I wanted...until it landed in my lap.

My life sucks so hard sometimes.

Contains mature themes.

The Book - Gypsy Rising - Book 5
Release Date: 13 April 2019

"Sing, gypsies, sing of your lies...."

That old song plays in my head as the world turns around me faster than it has ever turned. Monsters and mayhem. That's become my life. Fear and apprehension. That's become the normal for those around me. Dread and distraction. That's what has interrupted my own personal romance story with my mon-star quad. Vengeance and retribution. That was the theme of the monster world long before I landed in it, and it's starting to heat up more than ever.

I guess it's time to see if I can handle being in the middle, because that's where I'm about to put myself. My mother always did accuse me of being a masochist. I'm starting to think she must be right.

Either they love me, or they love her. I suppose it's time to find out who wins. I don't fight pretty, and I'm not that great at smack talk. It's not that they're not worth fighting for. I just don't want to have to fight for them. Not when when I'm fighting bigger battles already. Either we're in this together, or I'm on my own. That's for them to decide on their own.

Let the games begin.

Contains mature themes.

The Book - Gypsy Truths - Book 6
Release Date: 1 August 2019

After spending the vast majority of my life lonely, I came to this town to find answers about my mother, and instead, stumbled upon a secret society full of monsters I never knew existed outside of dark tales.

Now I've built a sanctuary, gotten in the middle of an ages-old feud between various monster factions, and somehow ended up with an ancient, queen-like tyrant targeting me, because my life sucks sometimes.

For now, hoping for the best is all I have. Well, I guess that's a lie too. Hope's not all I have. I also have a Van Helsing, who can slay a small army without wrinkling his shirt. Then there's a Morpheous, who can toy with my mind in ways I never imagined. I've got a wolf, who makes it a goal to keep me human-ish. And there's a vampire, who enjoys killing and stabbing.

Ancient alphas, old vendettas, super-complicated histories, mass-death threats, and a lot of personal baggage. That's become a Tuesday morning coffee break to me by now. Like I said, my life sucks sometimes. 

Contains mature themes.

My Review     5 STARS
This was another brilliant series by the author.  A brilliant world building, characters that you cannot help but fall for with the past and the present calling and learning how they came to be as they are.

Violet has moved into a town where her mother died and knows that she is different, but as a Gypsy she is altogether different again.  Things are not quite as they seem.

She gets the same customers as her mother, especially the four men that end up turning her world completely upside down, especially when she starts sleeping with one, then another, then another.

Lots of information given about the world of Vampire, Shivers, Illusionists and Hunters, the close friendship that has been formed between the males, even if they relieve the tension between them by throwing punches and destroying their houses.

Violet is an extremely strong character and certainly knew how to stand up to the alpha men about her, to stick up for what she wants and to follow what she knew needed doing, all with the voice in her head telling her to do other things.

The ending is brilliant, I love how Violet shows everyone that she is stronger than even they think she is, that she takes charge and does the unthinkable and defeats who she needs to, restoring order in the world and keeping her charges safe.

I really loved this series.

Thursday 8 August 2024

REVIEW - Kind of a Bad Idea ((The McGuire Brothers Book 7) by Lili Valente

The Book
Release Date: 1 August 2024
Goodreads Link

Seven Trevino is a "bad boy" single dad with a heart of gold and a body a Viking king would kill for.

He's also my best friend.
A friend I wish could be more, but he refuses to even consider dating.
He's convinced he's too old for me.

But I know he feels the electricity that crackles in the air every time we touch, and I don't care about our age gap. All I care about is that no one has ever made me feel as safe, understood, or desperate to get naked as Seven does.

So when we end up stranded in the woods together after his daughter pulls a Parent-Trap scheme for the ages, I'm in no hurry to find a way back to civilization. 

I intend to take advantage of every second of being trapped in a tiny cabin with this man.

Every moment of sharing that one bed...
Every moment of feeding the fire building between us... 

And turns out, Seven feels the same way.

Soon we're christening every surface in the cabin--and the outdoor tub on the porch--and I'm positive my dreams are coming true.

But can our fledgling relationship survive in the real world? Or will Seven's determination to "protect" me shatter both our hearts?

My Review     5 STARS
**My thanks to the author for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

Binx is the black sheep of the family. She is there for when things matter, and although she does her best do o what her mother want, they just differ so much from what she wants from life and ends up hiding her reasons for doing anything.

Seven is a single dad with a past that follows him in the small town of Bad Dog. Its does not matter how many years ago it was, how hard he works or how much he does for his daughter.

Binx however loves him and his daughter and would desperately love to get off the friends list with him.

It is his skeeming daughter, one of Binx's sisters and his mother however that get the pair isolated for three days in order for them to face everything and decide once and for all how things are going to be.

We get to see things from both sides, their inner turmoil, Binx's strength as a character and the way her strength gives Seven hope for the future with a woman that he adores.

I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to see what happens with Wendy Ann and Connor in the last book of the series.