Thursday 27 June 2024

REVIEW - Hard Rock Tease by Athena Wright

The Book
Release Date: 30 December 2016

Rock god Noah Hart needs inspiration. And he's choosing me as his muse.

In my darkest days, I found solace in the words of rock star god Noah Hart. He saw into my heart. And I saw into his. Even though we'd never met, I felt as if I knew the man behind the music.

Then I met him.

Noah isn't a wounded poet. He's a jerk.

He's abrasive, cutting, and guarded as hell. He says people are selfish. He says we're only out for ourselves. He refuses to trust. He refuses to let anyone in.

I'm supposed to be helping him write a song. I'm supposed to be his confidant.

But the only time we connect is when we take to his bed. Noah plays my body as skillfully as he plays the piano. He makes me feel things I've never dreamed of.

And that includes heartache.

The man behind the music is nothing like I imagined. Who exactly is this Noah Hart I've met, and what the hell happened to my soulful, romantic poet?

Contains mature themes.

My Review    4 STARS
This is the first book that I had read/listened to by this author.

I really enjoyed the story, although I did get a little annoyed at Noah and they way he constantly pushed Jen away, even the way he would keep his friends at arms length.

Jen needs to help Noah create a song, however she feels in order to do that she needs to get him to open up to her and trust her, but things are never really easy with Noah and opening up is hard.  Jen also eventually opens up to Noah as well and she constantly lets him know how his words have always affected her with his bands songs.

Some good characters and I would certainly be up to visiting the rest of this series at some point.

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