Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I'm NOT going to be Blogging as much this year!!

You may, or may not, have noticed that I have not been blogging quite as much as I have done for the last two years.

The WHY of it is really quite simple, i'm pregnant, with Twins.  That's right TWINS.

This my my first pregnancy and at the beginning I was just so tired that I had no energy to read much at all.  Then I find other things are on my mind that are more important than keeping up with my ever increasing TBR pile.

A six months pregnant there just seems so much left to be done before the babies are born at the beginning on May, that again, reading comes in second.  Once the babies are born who knows.  I have no idea if i'll even have the energy to read for a while.  But I will let you know if I decided to go on a little hiatus.


  1. OMG *jaw drops* I'm a twin myself (identical) and it just makes me feel so amazing to see now that you're having twins. I wish you the best with the two and like my parents told me, "Life with twins is not boring." And my birthday is also in May!! Wow that is really amazing omg. having a twin myself it's weird that even though we're the same blood and everything, we have such difference interests. Congratz and you're very lucky!!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. Thank you. It's a very exciting, yet scary time :)

  2. Awww twins! Congratulations! I wish you all the best :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks
