Saturday 13 July 2024

REVIEW - Four Psychos (The Dark Side #1) by Kristy Cunning

The Book
Release Date: 6 November 2017

I'm not so different from most people. Like everyone else, I have life goals. 

Goal #1: Become a real girl instead of this invisible ghost thing I currently am. 

Goal #2: Convince the four men I've been haunting for the past five years to pick me to be their new toy after goal one is complete. 

Goal #3: Figure out who/what I am and why I can't remember anything past the five years I've been haunting this quad. 

Goal #4: Eat popcorn. 

See? Perfectly normal. Sort of. Gotta start small, after all. It's not like anyone else is perfect either. 

Contains mature themes.

My Review    5 STARS
This is the first book that i have read/listened to by this author and it was certainly not as dark as perhaps I thought i might be.

We have a witty heroine with an odd sense of dress sense and sense of entitlement. But the the four men who she appears to be tied to are all different in their own way.

The men do not know their past and want to know that they are and have failed at being selected for the trials so far, but as soon as the woman changes from ghost girl to more solid, things start changing for them both dramatically.

Ghost girl also does not know who she is or where she came from and also has questions, but things are never as easy as they would like.

The book ends on a cliff hanger, so be sure to have the next book ready as you will WANT to binge this series.

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