Tuesday 1 March 2022

REVIEW - Archangel's Prophecy (Guild Hunter #11) by Nalini Singh

The Book
Release Date: 26 September 2019

Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh's darkly passionate Guild Hunter world, where human-turned-angel Elena Deveraux, consort to Archangel Raphael, is thrust centre stage into an eons-old prophecy . . . 

Midnight and dawn, Elena's wings are unique among angelkind . . . and now they're failing. The first mortal to be turned into an immortal in angelic memory, she's regressing. Becoming more and more human. Easier to hurt. Easier to kill.

Elena and Raphael must unearth the reason for the regression before it's too late, and Elena falls out of the sky. Yet even as they fight a furious battle for Elena's very survival, violent forces are gathering in New York and across the world.

In China, the Archangel Favashi is showing the first signs of madness. In New York, a mysterious sinkhole filled with lava swallows a man whole. In Africa, torrential monsoon rains flood rolling deserts. And in Elena's mind whispers a haunting voice that isn't her own.

This time, survival may not be possible . . . not even for the consort of an archangel.

My Review  5 STARS

Goodness, so much happens in this book.  And the ending?  I am so very glad that I have the next book lined up so I can find out what happens next already without having to wait.

The book focuses on Raphael and Elena again (thank goodness because I love them).  Elena finds that the cascade wants something different from her and her body begins to change, which not only frightens and confuses her, it frightens and confuses Raphael too.

Elena get whispers in her mind from another being but it is only about halfway through that we find out who it is and that the person is just letting her know what is supposed to happen and what she has seem of the future.  But is the future set in stone? Or can it be changed with a fierce will and a strong heart?

Raphael and Elena fight for their future and their friends, and their strong love for each other has them in its grip right until the end of the book.

A brilliant book continuing with a series that is seriously impressive.

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